Rifles Part 1: Mosin-Nagants of Imperial Russia (UPDATED)
Rifles Part 2: Pre-WW2 Finnish Mosin-Nagant Designs (UPDATED)
Rifles Part 3: The Last of Mosin-Nagants (UPDATED)
Rifles Part 4: Semiautomatic and automatic rifles
Rifles Part 5: Other Rifles Captured in 1918 (UPDATED)
Rifles Part 6: Three Mausers and One Terni (UPDATED)
Rifles Part 7: Sniper Rifles (UPDATED)
Machinepistols Part 1: Bergmann and Suomi (UPDATED)
Machinepistols Part 2: Captured and Bought (UPDATED)
Light Machineguns Part 1: Lahti-Saloranta, DP and DT (UPDATED) Light Machineguns Part 2: Other Light Machineguns (UPDATED) Pistols & revolvers Pistols Part 1: Parabellum & Lahti L-35 (UPDATED) Pistols Part 2: Mauser M/96, Nagant and TT-33 (UPDATED) Pistols Part 3: Ruby M/19 and FN Pistols (UPDATED) Pistols Part 4: Beretta, CZ and miscellaneous (UPDATED) Machineguns
Machineguns Part 2: Other machineguns (UPDATED)
AT-rifles Part 1: Domestic designs (UPDATED)
AT-rifles Part 2: Foreign designs (UPDATED)
Antitank guns
Antitank Guns Part 1: 20 mm - 37 mm (UPDATED)
Antitank Guns Part 2: 45 mm - 75 mm
Infantry antitank-weapons
Infantry AT-Weapons Part 1: Molotov cocktails & satchel charges (UPDATED)
Infantry AT-Weapons Part 2: Panzerfaust & Panzerschreck (UPDATED)
Anti-aircraft guns
Anti-Aircraft Guns Part 1: Light Guns (UPDATED)Anti-Aircraft Guns Part 2: Medium Guns
Anti-Aircraft Guns Part 3: Heavy Guns (UPDATED)
Mine Throwers and Mortars (UPDATED)
Infantry Guns & Mountain Guns (UPDATED)
Field guns & howitzers
Artillery Part 1: Russian Guns without recoil system (UPDATED)
Artillery Part 2: French Guns without recoil system
Artillery Part 3: Light Field Guns (75 mm - 84 mm)
Artillery Part 4: Heavy Field Guns (105 mm - 155 mm)
Artillery Part 5: Light Howitzers (105 mm - 122 mm)
Artillery Part 6: Heavy Howitzers (150 mm - 155 mm)
Artillery Part 7: Super-Heavy Howitzers (203 mm and 210 mm)
Part 1: Armoured Trains (UPDATED)
Part 2: Armoured Cars (UPDATED)
Part 3: Renault FT 17 Tanks (UPDATED)
Part 4: Vickers 6 Ton and T-26E Tanks
Part 6: OT-130 and OT-133 Flame Tanks
Part 7: BT-5, BT-7 and T-50 Tanks
Part 9: KV-1 and PzKw IVJ Tanks
Part 11: Landsverk Anti II Anti-aircraft Tank
Part 12: Komsomolets A-20 and Amphibious Tanks
Part 1: Light Coastal Guns (UPDATED)
Part 2: Heavy Coastal Guns (UPDATED)
Part 3: Super-Heavy Coastal Guns (UPDATED)
Part 4: Railway Guns (UPDATED)
Bayonets and Puukko-knives (UPDATED)
Landmines Part 1: Finnish Army and Landmines (UPDATED)
Landmines Part 2: Antipersonnel Mines (UPDATED)
Landmines Part 3: Antitank-Mines
Hand grenades and Rifle Grenades
Part 1: Hand Grenades of Finnish Civil War (UPDATED)
Part 2: hand Grenades of 1930's and World War 2 (UPDATED)
Smoke Hand Grenades
Rifle Grenades
Fortification Weapons
Weapons Finnish Army almost had in World War 2:
Part 1: Rifles and Machineguns
Part 2: Pistols and Submachine guns (UPDATED)
Uniforms of Finnish Armed Forces and Civil Guard (UPDATED)
FORMATIONS (Tables of Organisation and Equipment):
Formations 1: Finnish Civil War 1918
Formations 2: From 1919 to 1938, Building Finnish Army
Formations 3: World War II, Infantry
Formations 4: World War II, Armour & Field Artillery
Formations 5: World War II, Cavalry
Formations 6: World War II, Jaegers & other light infantry
Formations 7: World War II, Antitank formations
Formations 8: World War II, Antiaircraft formations
Formations 9: World War II, Engineer Corps
Formations 10: World War II, Coastal Troops
Formations 11: World War II, Border Jaeger Troops
Finnish Civil War of 1918
Winter War
(November 1939 - March 1940)Continuation War
(June 1941 - September 1944)Lapland War
(September 1944 - April 1945)Other